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In this combination treatment, first a therapeutic massage will be given, followed by an acupuncture treatment. You will rest and relax will needles in for approximately 20 minutes. The combination of acupuncture and massage is a powerful method of treatment. Research has shown that both acupuncture and massage individually are excellent for the reduction of pain and muscle spasm, but combining the treatments can enhance the effects. Massage therapy aids in the recovery of soft tissue conditions such as muscle spasm, muscle tightness, tissue restriction and scar tissue, as well as imbalances in the positioning of body parts relative to other body parts, muscle weakness, and synergistic or opposing muscles or muscle groups.

Massage therapy mobilizes tissues that may require separation from other tissues in the form of scars, tissue adhesions and potential contractures. There is no substitute for the direct impact of working locally on these issues with massage.
Just like massage therapy, acupuncture is excellent at pain relief and decreasing muscle spasm. Acupuncture improves blood flow to an area, pushing out fluids that may contain chemicals that cause pain and discomfort.

An acupuncture treatment can enhance a massage therapy session in several ways. Acupuncture needles can work into deeper tissues, such as the multifidus muscles in the spine, which no fingers, elbows, or palms can access. Acupuncture can also directly influence nerves and blood vessels with greater impact.



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